A Framework to Measure Clinical Judgment & Decision Making

Obtaining a nursing license from a US State and passing the NCLEX have additional advantages. You can work in a nursing home while you are pursuing your BN, BSN, or bridge course at an Australian institution.
In Canada, NCLEX is accepted in all provinces as of 2015, and if you pass NCLEX, you are exempt from taking the CRNE (Canadian Registered Nursing Examination). Additionally, in order to enroll in a Masters degree or an RN to BN program in US universities, you must have passed the NCLEX exam. It will also guarantee you a well-paying employment while you’re a student. Keep in mind that NCLEX is a requirement for nursing master’s programs in the USA.

Phrased multiple-choice questions

The majority of the NCLEX-RN exam’s questions are phrased multiple-choice questions. The Boards of Nursing have, however, recently included broader questions without multiple choices.




Clinical Judgment


Latest tests


Decision Making

Mock Test Center for the NCLEX in the world

Additionally, we created the first Mock Test Center for the NCLEX in the world to boost your confidence and help you pass the exam using real exam simulation. In a real test setting, you can practice answering hundreds of thousands of questions.


Canada and the US Need Nurses—Why?

In the US, registered nurses are often in their 50s. To care for the aging population, there are not enough nurses graduating from nursing schools. For numerous years, nurses have been moving to the US from other nations, but it is not enough. Now what?

If you meet the standards, the US needs you. primarily pass the English requirements and the NCLEX exam. You can apply for a green card with an occupational (job-sponsored) visa.

The only program that allows you to travel to the US and begin working right away is the nursing program to the US.
Retrogression is a drawback. Visa applications require more time. However, there has been some advance in priority dates. To get your priority date number, you must be in line; otherwise, everyone will get it before you. Therefore, you must begin NOW if working in the US or Canada is your objective!

All NCLEX passes are assisted by NPCN in finding employment in the USA. Even newly graduated nurses can find employment.


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